Writing and rewriting examples
Internet, intranet and social media
- Healthier Work ACT website – content development
- Parks ACT website – content development and site mapping recommendations
- Everyday climate choices website – phase 2 content consolidation and writing
- Cloud Central – content development and site mapping
- Oaks Ranch – content writing
- Absolute Home Services (Home Care Packages) web content
- Approach Consulting – content writing
- EP Accountants Advisers – content writing
- The Empowered Collective – content writing
- video scripts and Facebook posts promoting Parks ACT
- Phillips Landscapes website – complete rewrite, site mapping and project management of design
- Absestos Response Taskforce website – site mapping and rewrite
- Synergy Group website – content writing
- Lynergy Solar website – site mapping and writing
- Community Connections website – complete rewrite, site mapping and project management
- Transport Canberra website rewrite and recommendations
- Geoscape website and PSMA Australia website writing
- HSE3 website rewrite and blog editing
- Playgroup Australia website rewrite and site mapping
- Ascend Human Resources website rewrite and site mapping
- Eat Your Words website rewrite and site mapping
- Territory Horticulture website rewrite and site mapping
- course copy for Engineering Education Australia
- intranet content for a change management program within a large organisation
- weekly news articles for the Good Habits for Life website
- content for the human resources section of a large intranet site
- web content for a massage/natural therapies website
- articles and itineraries for VisitCanberra website
- articles for Floriade website (2019)
- blog posts for an environmental website
- tweets to support Healthier Work articles and case studies
- intranet content to support education of staff about government programs and services
Booklets, brochures and factsheets
- building guide to support workers in their transition to a new workplace
- school leaver handbook
- e-book for Atturra
- e-book for Geoscape
- Lifeline Gala auction items listings (2022)
- the Healthier Work – helping people and business thrive case study book 2019-20 (this project also included project management of design and print; also produced this booklet in 2018-19; 2017-18; 2016-17, 2015-16 and 2014-15)
- funding program report, including project management of design, along with the desktop publishing and editing of a summary spreadsheet
- 16-page product catalogues promoting stairways to building industry
- agent profiles for Agent Team Belconnen
- Kids at Play factsheets
- a real estate factsheet
- a marriage celebrant booklet, featuring examples of readings, orders of service and music
- the National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards 2013 booklet
- Welfare Payments Reform and income management factsheets
- case studies featured in the CRS Australia desk calendars (2005, 2007, 2011)
Articles, editorial and ads
- thought leadership articles for Synergy Group
- thought leadership articles, case studies and award nominations for Veritec/Atturra Cloud & Applications
- social media campaign for Australian Livestock & Rural Transporters Association
- editorial for large Canberra-based developer
- blog articles for VisitCanberra
- blog articles for Barlens
- blog articles for Azora Developments
- blog articles for Master Builders Australia (Women Building Australia)
- social media posts and planning for Morgans Group, EAST Hotel, Atturra Cloud & Applications
- case studies for xDNA (Downer Group)
- blog articles for Visit Queanbeyan-Palerang website
- promotional copy for Bugalugs Pest Control
- ads for La Bakehouse Exquisite (Coeliac Magazine)
- case studies and ‘how to’ article for Geoscape
- blog articles for Floriade
- case study and promotional content for Agent Team Belconnen
- articles for Suburban Land Agency
- articles promoting Parks ACT for Mingle newsletter
- editorial for GWS Giants first published on HerCanberra
- success stories from the Fresh Tastes program
- case study to promote a medical device to practitioners
- property ads for 3 Property Group
- corporate profile for a fashion stylist
- senior management messages for staff (CRS Australia, Defence Housing Authority, Department of Social Services)
- editorial for submission to various media (ghost writing), including Curve magazine
- editorial for PANDSI to submit to media
- editorial bank for homelessness services industry use
- award nominations for National Disability Awards
- advertising content bank for CRS Australia
- radio ad scripts
Strategies and other documents
- national winning award (gold 2023) nomination for Royal Australian Mint (cultural tourism category)
- national winning award (Australian Event Awards 2023) for National Multicultural Festival Canberra
- capability statements for BMCA, Yara Co and RAM Constructions
- award submission for event marketing awards
- internal roadmap narrative, including key messages, for government organisation
- updates to position descriptions to align with new tone of voice for ACT Government agency
- PSMA Australia Annual Report 2017
- national winning award (silver 2021) nomination for National Arboretum Canberra
- national winning award (silver 2018; bronze 2019) nomination (12,500 words) for Canberra and Region Visitors Centre
- garden bed signs for Floriade 2019
- geospatial award nominations (individuals and product)
- ACT Education Directorate stakeholder consultation reports
- winning award nominations for allied health staff
- Playgroup Australia Annual Report 2016
- member profiles for BNI group
- staff profiles for Incite Solutions Group
- CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese profile
- conference paper for prestigious international conference
- tourism award nomination for 3inFun Canberra (2019)
- tender responses for consortium not-for-profits
- tender responses for catering company
- draft sponsorship guidelines
- tender responses for a government contract
- election campaigning letters to MPs
- briefs to government and stakeholders on a business review
- marketing strategies for each key business area of CRS Australia
- internal communications strategies, including change management considerations
- income management consultation and implementation communication strategies for both indigenous and non-indigenous areas
- the 2013 National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards communication strategy
- government program cessation communications plan
- ministerial responses
Scripts and speeches
- video script for animated MyDox explainer
- video scripts for Parks ACT/Mingle Facebook posts
- video script for Eromanga Natural History Museum (Eye Candy Animation)
- video scripts for National Homelessness Services Awards profile pieces
- video scripts for income management videos, including interview questions for case studies
- infographic scripting in plain English for disability audience
- speaking notes for The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, former Minister for Human Services. I particularly enjoyed hearing this delivered almost word-for-word!