While much of the work of a freelance writer could be classified as ghost writing – someone hired to write on behalf of another person without official credit – I like to think of myself as a ghost editor.

Most of the content I work with is already drafted to some extent, even if it’s basic dot points or a verbal briefing. The idea or intent has been largely formed by the client. 

For instance, I have one particular client who writes for a national magazine as a monthly contributor. His work contains complex messages, industry-specific terms, and sensitive statements. He is the expert in his subject matter, but sometimes his words need a massage to iron out the knots and wrinkles.

My ghost editing involves a mix of structural changes, applying a consistent tone, and removing repetition or error. I also identify gaps and plug them with bridging sentences or new content. It can take hours or days, but the result is a polished, readable document.

It can take hours or days, but the result is a polished, readable document. Share on X

This client has been sending me his writing for some years now, and he won’t submit to the magazine until I have edited his words. My editing has become a valuable and embedded part of his writing process. And the magazine editors appreciate it too!

And the reader need never know who made it all happen.

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