Many would (understandably) argue that there have been more lowlights than highlights in 2020, but I’m going all ‘glass half full’ on you today. For me, 2020 has delivered the goods.
My favourite moment
As I started my sixth year working as a solo operator, I was feeling a little lonely at times. While I tend to crave the silence, freedom and space of my solo biz, the days alone with my computer and Spotify can be isolating. So, 2020 delivered a whole new working experience! Having two kids and the hubby at home for daily handball championships, TikTokking, and cheese platters made our lockdown period memorable for all the right reasons.

Playing handball during lockdown 2020
My favourite clients
The safest bet is to list ALL my clients because each has taught me something new 🙂
Yet my favourite clients are those who entrust their toughest tasks to me. Those who respect my style and my input. And those who acknowledge my contribution. That’s when I really feel like I’m part of their team, if even in a small way. I’m lucky to have quite a few of these people on my regular client list, for which I’m grateful.
My favourite projects
I had the pleasure of writing more than a few case studies this year. Topics were wide and varied: noise modelling, spatial services, Census data, healthy workplaces, media partnerships, and consultancy services. Yet the intent was always the same – to tell a relatable story. Each involved interviewing an expert, finding an angle, pulling out slick quotes and nifty subheadings (for the skim-readers), supplementing with research, seeking multiple clearances, and sourcing supporting images. I also wrote a bunch of thought leadership articles, where I could step into the shoes of an expert and write an opinion piece on their behalf – a rewarding way to delve into new worlds.
My favourite and most demanding editing project was a major report on prescription drug use in Australia. My eyes were opened to the daily dilemma facing many who are being treated with medications with potentially unknown, life-threatening side effects.
My favourite learning
I invested heavily in my own professional development this year, undertaking studies for my editing accreditation and staying on top of the latest in web accessibility.
There are so many fields in which to specialise, and when I started down the path of a few particular fields, I resisted feeling like a novice. That’s because every aspect of writing and editing – whether it be SEO, grammar, using Word macros, or copyright – can be a bottomless pit of exploration. And while I’m keen to explore these pits, I’m happy to keep swinging from one to the other rather than falling in too deep.
My learning is that my personal betterment comes from setting aside enough time to further my current knowledge, reflect on my skills, and trust my instincts, than from being the expert on every chapter of my professional handbook.