Less can be more

Less can be more

I recently heard a client remark that many of her staff were really good writers. She noted that they were able to present the same argument or outcome in many different ways; to fill pages and pages with details and findings. But a problem lingered. Very few people...
Fresh eyes matter

Fresh eyes matter

Let’s get something straight. Getting help from a writer doesn’t imply that your writing is inferior. In fact, more often than not, I’m both inspired and impressed by the quality of the writing out there. The content I receive is often thorough, considered and...
Authenticity to inspire

Authenticity to inspire

Authenticity in writing inspires action. Just as you would connect on a personal level with another human, being authentic in your writing draws interest and attracts a connection. Is it difficult to be authentic when writing? Yes, particularly if you’re not...
Keeping it simple

Keeping it simple

Simple writing doesn’t have to be boring or dumbed-down. To me, simplicity in writing and design is about balance, flow and ease of understanding. According to an article on The Roots of Minimalism in Web Design, the goal for websites is to ‘present...
The grey

The grey

I was reminded last week of the daily challenge – and importance – of being able to exist comfortably with the grey. Life, like writing, is rarely black and white (figuratively speaking of course). There is only so much that we can control, predict or be...
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